I can't

Can't take back the time I spent
with you,can't take back the tears
I cryed for you,can't take back the
the I have for you,can't take away
the memory's,I can't.

Can't erase the faults I have,
can't take away the wrong I've
done,I can only make it right,
can't take but what was done,
just hope and pray I don't lose
you because of a mistake I made,
can't never go back,I can't.

Can't take back the pain,
can't take away the rain.
can't take away the dying,
but the lying was done,
can't take away the friendship
that has growen,can't take
away my love for you,I can't.

Can't wash away the dirt
I left behind,just pray an hope
your stay awhile,can't say I
done right cause I know I done
wrong,I can't let you go,I can't

October 27,1999