Life goes on

I was thinking about you today,
as I tend to do everyday,
And I hate how thinking of you now
Only brings me pain.

I think of what a great friendship we once had,
And how now you seem to enjoy making me sad.
I know that is not true, that you really don’t mean to hurt me
But it’s still hard for me to see.

How you can continue to run from me.
I don’t miss what you think it is that I miss,
It’s not that soft, tender kiss,
But I just miss more so the friendship that you always promised.

You may think that you still consider me as a treasured friend,
But it seems to me that you are nothing more then an aquintance.
Do you realize that there is a difference?
I know that I will always have my arms open to you,
But there is nothing more that I can do.

Our future, my dear, is up to no one but you.
and it seems it at a stop, but life goes on.
Our past was the I learn to live
again.and life goes on and on.

January 3,2000