Please Love Me

I thought I wanted love, I thought
it'd bring me peace, It's what I'd always
wanted, when I became a women.
Then there was 'crush',

I thought it was cool,
having a crush and all, till
I figured where they got the name. He was hot
 will always be, but my feelings overran my mind,
again. He hurt me, he hurt me bad.

He never talked, he never moved, I died inside.
I thought I wanted love, I thought I wanted 'him',
till the day he ripped my heart in two.

Do I want love? Now I'm not so sure.
Tell me, show me, love me right, don't
let my heart go from two pieces to
four while it's trying to mend.
If I'm ment to be loved, let it be known,
I'll never take the risk again.

October 5,2000