You were there

When I needed someone to talk with,
you were there,
When I needed a shoulder to cry on,
you were there,
When I needed time by myself,you
were there,
When I needed to laugh ,you were

When I get angry,you were there,
When I get sad you would make
me glad,but you were there,
When I was lonely an had noone
to turn to,you were there,
When I yelled at you for no
reason at all,you were there.

You hold me when I was down,
you wiped away my tears,took
away the fears,you gave me freindship
when I needed it the most,I wouldn't
know what do to with out you.

You are still with me through
thick an thin,the world is always
changing,you still was there,life
wouldn't be the same without
you,cause you were there.

October 25,1999